Bloggers Need To Proofread CarefullyDear Small Business Owners:

Please do not rely on spell checkers to correct your website, social media or blog content.  Spell checkers can’t spell.  Designed to spot errors by cross referencing your word with a list of words stored in the database, misspelled and misused words often remain uncorrected.

For example, you need the word manager.  If you type “mannager,” spell checker flags a problem.  If you type the word “manger,” an acceptable word in the word processor, spell checker accepts the word and it remains incorrect in your content.  Bottom line:  Don’t rely on spell checkers to proof your writing.  Try these strategies for accurate writing.

  1. Before publishing your draft, double check for spelling and grammar. Even the most skilled writers miss spelling errors.  The mind sees the intended word. Try any of these proofreading tricks.
    • Read the copy backward.
    • Read it out loud with feeling.  This will help catch any awkward phrasing or repetition.
    • Have someone else read it to you.  Listen for places where they stumble on your words.
    • Have someone else proof for you.  Two sets of eyes are better than one.
  2. Don’t expect the computer to do your thinking for you. Understand that computers are not designed to find all of your errors.
  3. Identify your misspelling patterns. I tend to type “form” when I want “from.”  Upon completion of my draft, I manually check by doing a global search within my document.   Using the find function, I search for words I tend to misspell.  As needed, I manually correct according to the content.
  4. Avoid apostrophes. By using the full form of “it is”, “does not” and “they are,” you can avoid using inappropriate use of apostrophes that are missed by spell checkers.