Business Writing Techniques To Increase ReadershipGreat online writing, fabulous content and amazing expert advice never get read. Why? Because the content format doesn’t allow for immediate consumption.  To increase readership, follow these 8 business writing techniques as outlined in the Bloggers’ Block Handbook.

  1. Conclude first, then expand by covering what happened next (news), where it came from (context), what it means (significance) and why it matters (impact).

  2. One subject per sentence; one idea per paragraph.

  3. Label and list. Think bursts, boxes, bullets and lists.

  4. Limit lists to seven words.  Or, you can bold seven words to help your readers.  If they are interested, they will choose to read further.

  5. Punctuate generously with commas and periods.

  6. Be transparent and clear about your sources.   Attribute quotes and reference materials.

  7. Use sub-heads to increase scanability.

  8. Proof before publish. Typos and spelling errors send readers away and discredit the author’s expertise.